
Select 6 Image 1
Select 6 Image 1
Select 6 Image 1

Select 6

SE­LECT 6 - Even bet­ter and eas­i­er to use

The com­plete­ly new and ex­cep­tion­al­ly er­gonom­ic user in­ter­face has been re­designed to your re­quire­ments. SE­LECT 6 is now even faster and with an un­ri­valled ease of use, but with the usual re­li­a­bil­i­ty and sta­bil­i­ty.


  • Al­ways the lat­est ver­sion - the On­line-​Up­date-​Check will no­ti­fy you as soon as a new ver­sion is avail­able.
  • Im­me­di­ate 2D vi­su­al­i­sa­tion of the im­peller in­clud­ing all per­for­mance data, im­por­tant di­men­sions, as well as axial depth.
  • New pro­ject man­age­ment func­tion: all se­lec­tions / com­par­isons can be saved, re­trieved and sim­ply sent to col­leagues or Wing­Fan via email.